Have you ever imagined that you could exercise your skin?
The answer is yes, with the new generation of resurfacing systems or peelings. The skin as the largest organ of our body also needs exercise, Personal Skin Training and Personal Skin Coach to remain prosperous, youthful and healthy.

Recently, we have been hearing about the new generation peelings and we wonder what is the difference between them and the chemical peelings we knew so far and how they are related to the so-called SkinFitness.
Trainer Skin Specialist of pHformula in Cyprus, Anastasia Tsolia, is here to recommend the new generation peelings or otherwise the Reconstruction System applied by pHformula and answer six questions.

1. What do the terms Skin Specialist, Skin Fitness, Personal Skin Coach mean?
The term "Skin Specialist" is an exclusive inspiration of pHformula, a Trade Mark, attributed to professional beauticians who have successfully attended and completed the pHformula training program. The pHformula Skin Specialist is a Personal Skin Coach, able to make an accurate assessment and diagnosis and then design the SkinFitness program to suit the requirements and needs of each different skin.
2. And so far what has been the case?
Since ancient times, the most well-known method for the renewal of facial skin, is exfoliation, the well-known chemical peelings. In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, women performed peelings with sour milk or wine. Later in the 20th century. In Europe and America, special beauty salons appeared with "secret recipes" for chemical peelings and now there are hundreds of brands with various compositions and concentrations of fruit acids that promise regeneration of the facial skin. PHformula, one of the leading companies in the field of Medicine-Aesthetics, has created the new generation peelings, based on the technology of regenerative medicine and applies the controlled chemical skin resurfacing.

3. What is the resurfacing system?
The Resurfacing System works completely differently: "IT RE-TRAINS THE SKIN TO REHABILITATE ITSELF". What can this mean? How can we "train" our skin? This is an mportant reason to continue our questions.
4. What is the difference between chemical peelings and new generation peelings?
The action mechanism of controlled chemical resurfacing is completely different from chemical peelings. Chemical peelings mainly cause peeling of the skin, discoloration and have a long recovery time. Controlled resurfacing activates the acceleration of cell regeneration, without injury and irritation, stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts, increases collagen synthesis and the formation of hyaluronic acid. It re-trains the skin to regenerate on its own, it "exercises" it. IT DOES NOT DESTROY THE CELLS, BUT ACTIVATES THEM, By continuing the treatment at home with products bulit around the same philosophy, we achieve optimal results.

5. From what age onwards can we undergo resurfacing treatments?
Year after year, the skin's ability to regenerate decreases. The starting point for these treatments is the age of 28, unless there is an earlier problem that we have to deal with, e.g. acne. There are about six treatments, with an interval of 2-3 weeks. If you follow the program regularly, and with the corresponding daily care products, the result is cumulative. Thus, after 2-3 years, the appearance of the skin belongs to the previous decade, because we have a slowing down of the process of normal aging.
6. What season is suitable for Resurfacing treatments?
PHformula is a pioneer in this field as well, applying resurfacing treatments throughout the year, even in the summer. Different treatments can be combined in a treatment program where the strength and depth of the treatment is controlled by the therapist, based on the application technique, the needs of the skin and the season. The period with limited sunshine, ie from the beginning of November to the end of April, is suitable for more complex and intensive treatments.
Find your nearest pHformula Skin Specialist and start your own unique Skin Fitness. Your skin will be grateful and those around you will notice the change and ask to know what's your secret.